As the world’s most prestigious garden show, the Chelsea Flower Show did not disappoint this year. Returning to the more usual late May slot, it showcased the latest cutting-edge garden design, new plants and practical ideas to take home.
For those lucky enough to visit, it was a pleasure to see the award-winning show gardens and understand the various themes that each garden designer was portraying. But with so much to see and take in, it is almost impossible to do justice to Chelsea in just one visit.
With that in mind, and with thanks to our friends at Homes & Gardens for sharing their round up of 5 trends to take away from Chelsea this year, we’re going to pick up on two of these topics in particular and assess how they relate to our indoor and outdoor living spaces.
An Interior Designed Garden Room
This elegant trend is all about turning your garden room or greenhouse into a stylish extension of your living room.
Interior design need not just relate to the home – now it can be extended into our outdoor rooms, whether this is a greenhouse or a more multi-functional garden room.
Whatever the context, good design will exhibit both form and function. If the inside of our homes can look great and feature stylish furniture and décor, then why can’t our outdoor rooms do the same?
Mindfulness & Wellbeing
Mindfulness is a therapeutic practice which has been around some religions for hundreds of years but has come to prominence in recent years as part of a broader focus on our mental health.
Furthermore, mindfulness and our wellbeing in general have grown in importance as a result of the pandemic, so it is no surprise that these themes were perhaps the most significant to emerge from this year’s Chelsea Flower Show.
The Mind Garden by Andy Sturgeon was a Gold Medal winner and was designed as a ‘place for people to connect, be themselves and open up about their mental health.’
Whilst these concepts have been influencing interior design for some time – biophilic design, the notion of bringing nature closer to a building and its occupants, is one such example – now they are inspiring our gardens, as well as the inside of our homes.
If designs for our homes and gardens can be inspired by these trends and bring about a positive impact on our mental and physical wellbeing, that would be a truly lasting legacy from this year’s Chelsea Flower Show.